What is it? Activities, within the framework of a project driven and implemented by informal groups of young people, by organisations or by a combination of both, aimed at promoting youth participation in democratic life in Europe at local, national, transnational and international level. Aims To provide opportunities for young people to become involved and learn to participate in civic society, with special attention to those with fewer opportunities. To raise young people's awareness of fundamental rights and common European values and contribute to the process of European integration, including through contributing to the achievement of one or more of the European Youth Goals; To develop young people's digital skills and media literacy, in particular critical thinking and the ability to value and work with information. To bring together young people and decision-makers at local, regional, national and transnational level and contribute to the EU Youth Dialogue. Characteristics Projects can be submitted by organisations or informal groups of young people. Youth participation activities can be: Transnational: Implemented in one or several participating countries and involving informal groups of young people or organisations from several participating countries. National: Implemented at local, regional or national level and involving informal groups of young people or organisations from a single participating country. The duration of the projects is from 3 to 24 months. Participants must be between 13 and 30 years old. Enlaces de interés More information on youth participation activities can be found in the programme guide Find out how to carry out a project If you want to find out more about youth participation projects, go to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform You can also attend an information session View the next calls for applications for which you can apply Forms