VOLUNTEERING PROJECTS WHAT ARE THEY? Solidarity activities in which young people participate through the beneficiary organisations by carrying out voluntary work that benefits the communities in which these activities are carried out. Volunteering is defined as a full-time unpaid activity. AIMSTo tackle social and humanitarian challenges on the ground, with a special emphasis on promoting sustainable development, social inclusion and equal opportunities.To allow young people, including those with fewer opportunities, to participate in volunteering projects that bring about positive social change in the European Union and beyond, while at the same time enhancing their skills and facilitating their engagement in active citizenship. CHARACTERISTICSProjects can be submitted by organisations holding the ESC Quality Label for Volunteering.Participants must be registered on the European Solidarity Corps Portal.Age of participants: Between 18 and 30 years oldActivities will take place in the country of the National Agency where the projects are submitted. Individual volunteering Duration of the project: Between two and twelve months. Depending on the profile of the participants, e.g. young people with fewer opportunities, they will be able to carry out short-term activities of between two weeks and two months.Participants must come from the country of the National Agency where the projects are submitted.Cross-border activities: At least two organisations are needed, one host and one support organisation.Activities at national level: At the very least, a host or support organisation is needed. Team volunteering Duration of the project: Two weeks to two months.Number of participants: Between ten and forty per activity from at least two different countries. Enlaces de interés More information on volunteering can be found in the programme guide Find out how to carry out a project If you would like to find out about volunteering projects, you can view them on the ESC's Project Platform You can also attend an information session View the next calls for applications for which you can apply Access forms Access database of organisations accredited with the Quality Label