The aims of ATT and NET activities can differ in nature and format. They may be short-term activities: specific, targeted, one-off or sporadic activities; or they may have a long-term purpose. The latter include recurrent courses such as "Appetiser", "TicTac" or "ToT", and those that fall under the so-called SNACs.But what is a SNAC? SNACs are tools for Strategic National Agency Cooperation.SNACs do not have a fixed duration, but arise out of the need to address an issue among the youth population and end when the task is completed. There are currently fifteen strategies led by different countries and Spain participates in the following:Youth@Work: aims to create synergies and cross-sectoral collaboration in the areas of youth employability and entrepreneurship while seeking to regenerate youth employment by improving its quality, researching and increasing the visibility of European programmes.Mental Health in Youth Work: to raise the profile of mental health in European training and provide sufficient opportunities for young workers to learn mental health skills for their work, raising awareness, normalising the concept of mental health and promoting it as a positive resource.YouSports: aims to connect sport, youth work and non-formal education to foster the development of individual skills and achieve a significant impact on society so that sport becomes a driver for change.Europeers: its goal is to connect young people who have participated in the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes through shared experiences and to facilitate a real exchange of ideas to increase the visibility of the programmes and promote the values that inspire them.Democracy Reloading: seeks to develop democracy at the local level by involving young people in the decision-making process at the municipal level and developing policies, strategies and structures to facilitate youth participation.Strategic Partnership on Inclusion: increasing the participation of young people with fewer opportunities and facilitating access to new organisations in the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes as mechanisms to promote inclusion and empowerment are the aims of this SNAC.European Academy on Youth Work: its aim is to achieve quality work for young people, to prepare them to react to current and future developments, to focus on innovation as a response to the trends, challenges and uncertainties facing young people in today's changing society.RAY (Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of European Youth Programmes): This is an autonomous research network, of which Spain is part together with 33 other countries, whose main project is research through surveys of participants and teams in the European Union's European youth programmes (Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps).