TCA/NET Activities


ESC/NET activities are an instrument to support the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes in the implementation of their priorities and aims. They are also considered as one of the most important tools to support the development and implementation of projects carried out in the framework of the European Commission's European Training Strategy, which aims at developing quality, innovative and sustainable youth work through the development of certain skills in an environment prepared to recognise, address and respond to changing trends and opportunities.

TCA activities (Training and Cooperation Activities) are part of the Erasmus+ programme (2021-27). The main target groups are young people aged 13-30, youth workers and staff and members of organisations active in the youth field.

NET (Networking Activities) activities are part of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme and are aimed at strengthening the capacities of participating organisations in order to offer quality projects to an increasing number of participants and to attract new recruits, both young people and organisations.

Both TCAs and NETs contribute to the exchange of experiences and reinforce a sense of belonging between the young participants and the organisations, increasing the impact of both programmes at all levels.

These training activities are developed through informal and non-formal learning methodologies and can be national or transnational. Among their different formats are training courses, seminars, study visits, exchange of good practices and meetings to make contacts with other organisations in the youth field.

These activities are organised throughout the year by the National Agencies managing both programmes and are published through the Salto-Youth Platform where you can apply to participate. They usually last between 4 and 6 days. Participation costs (travel, accommodation and food) are covered by the programmes. National Agencies are responsible for the selection of participants and decide which activities to include in their annual programme.

The Spanish National Agency (ANE) will cover the expenses of participants legally resident in Spain in the activities in which it participates. Residents in other countries should check with their respective agencies whether they support the particular activity and will therefore cover the costs of the activity if selected.

Once the application has been submitted via the Salto platform, the national organising agency will be responsible for selecting and informing the participants.

Information on specific courses: tca @