What is YouthPass?The Youthpass certificate is a European tool that documents and recognises the knowledge acquired, through non-formal education, in projects developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ programmes: Youth and European Solidarity Corps.This tool promotes individual development as well as learning awareness. Its main aim is to increase the visibility of the learning competences acquired, so that participants can be aware of what they have learnt, and show it to others. It is part of the European Commission's strategy to promote the recognition of non-formal and informal learning. Who can apply for YouthPass?This tool is available for all types of projects and activities within the Erasmus+ programmes: Youth and European Solidarity Corps. The responsibility for issuing the Youthpass certificate lies with the organisation that signed the scholarship or grant. What is YouthPass for?Youthpass serves to reflect what has been achieved and learned in a project according to the Common European Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning which identifies and defines the competences that citizens need for personal fulfilment, social inclusion, active citizenship and employability in the knowledge society.Obtaining this European certificate can be very useful when looking for a job as it can support or complement your CV. Thanks to this document, the skills acquired are certified and this can make the difference between one candidate or another. How can I create my certificate?Youthpass certificates can be issued by the National Agency of the European Youth Programme in which you participate or by the organisation or youth worker/youth leader involved in the project. To do so, they must register the certificate on the website: www.youthpass.eu and complete the steps on the form.In one of these steps, participants will be invited to describe their learning outcomes, based on the key competences. It is not necessary to fill in all competencies. With this information, certificates can be created, printed and sent to the interested parties. Structure of the Youthpass certificateEach certificate is specifically tailored to the different non-formal education projects, but they share the same general structure divided into three distinct sections:The first section reflects the most relevant values and data of the project, as well as the general context. It must be signed by a representative of the organisation.The second section develops the aims, activities carried out and results obtained in more detail. This second part must be signed by the person responsible for the project. In the third and final section, participants are encouraged to share all the learning and skills acquired during the activity. The length and content of the latter part is left open.