The first step in submitting a project is to create an EU Login account, a single access system for various EU services. Creation of an EU Login account.After creating the account, the organisation or informal group must register to get an Organisation or Informal Group Identification Code (OID) Register an organisation or informal group.The application for funding is made using the specific form according to the type of project. Access to forms.Once the selection has been made and the grant agreement has been signed between the organisation responsible for the project and the Spanish National Agency (ANE), the project will be registered in the project management system and will be available in the "My projects" section of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform. Organisations will be automatically notified when it becomes available.Tutorials on the implementation of the different phases of a project.Project information can also be downloaded from the European Solidarity Corps Project Platform. Here, organisations can publish the results of their projects which, once approved by the ANE, will be visible.