Solidarity projects (ESC 30)


Non-profit solidarity activities, devised and developed by young people in the local area where they live. These should be specific day-to-day activities that help address key challenges within a local community


The main aims align with the aims and principles of the European Solidarity Corps, in particular those relating to solidarity.

To achieve positive changes in the local community or society at large by addressing major societal challenges.

To encourage a sense of initiative, active European citizenship and entrepreneurship.


Projects may be submitted by a group of at least five young people legally resident in one and the same EU Member State or in a third country associated to the Programme. They must first register on the European Solidarity Corps Portal.

One of the participants will assume the role of legal representative and submit the application. The group can also seek the support of an organisation (any public or private body) to present on its behalf. Its task will be solely to assist the group in the administrative and financial tasks of the project lifecycle.

The group may also receive the support of a facilitator who will have the task of guiding and accompanying the group in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the project, but without actually participating in the project.

The activities shall take place in the country of the applicant.

The participation of young people who may find it difficult to participate in transnational activities should be facilitated.

Projects should have an impact on the local community by addressing local problems, targeting a specific group or developing local opportunities (especially in communities located in rural, isolated, marginalised or cross-border areas).

It should provide European added value by addressing priorities identified at European level.

Duration of the project: Between two and twelve months.

Age of participants: Between 18 and 30 years old.