What are they? Activities carried out in the framework of a project which must address at least one horizontal priority of the Programme or one specific priority for the field of education, training, youth and sport. Among these priorities, the Spanish National Agency has established the thematic area "Connecting EU and Youth" as a "European priority in the national context". AimsTo attract and facilitate access to Erasmus+ for less experienced organisations. To support the inclusion of target groups with fewer opportunities.To support active European citizenship and bring the European dimension closer to the local level.To improve the quality of the work of the organisations and institutions involved.To develop the capacity of organisations to work transnationally and cross-sectorally.CharacteristicsProjects must be transnational and involve at least two organisations from two different countries. There is no maximum number.Duration of the project: Between 6 and 24 months.Activities must take place in the countries of the participating organisations. If the project justifies it, they may take place at the seat of an EU institution, even if no organisation from the country where the institution is located is involved.Projects must address at least one horizontal priority of the Programme or one priority specific to its field.Small-scale partnerships in the field of sport are managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Enlaces de interés More information on Small-Scale Partnerships in the programme guide Find out how to carry out a project If you want to find out more about small-scale Partnership projects, go to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform You can also attend an information session